### Steps to reproduce
1. Create new event
2. Add attendees
### Expected …behavior
The "Create a new Talk room" button shows up below the "Find a time" button.
### Actual behaviour
No button shows up
### Calendar app version
### CalDAV-clients used
### Browser
Latest Chrome and Firefox
### Client operating system
Fedora Linux, Windows 10, Windows 11
### Server operating system
Nextcloud-AIO on Debian 12
### Web server
### Database engine version
### PHP engine version
### Nextcloud version
### Updated from an older installed version or fresh install
### List of activated apps
- activity: 2.21.1
- admin_audit: 1.19.0
- app_api: 2.6.0
- assistant: 1.1.0
- bruteforcesettings: 2.9.0
- calendar: 4.7.6
- call_summary_bot: 1.1.1
- camerarawpreviews: 0.8.5
- circles: 29.0.0-dev
- cloud_federation_api: 1.12.0
- comments: 1.19.0
- contacts: 6.0.0
- contactsinteraction: 1.10.0
- dashboard: 7.9.0
- dav: 1.30.1
- deck: 1.13.0
- federatedfilesharing: 1.19.0
- federation: 1.19.0
- files: 2.1.0
- files_antivirus: 5.5.5
- files_downloadlimit: 2.0.0
- files_external: 1.21.0
- files_fulltextsearch: 29.0.0
- files_pdfviewer: 2.10.0
- files_reminders: 1.2.0
- files_retention: 1.18.0
- files_sharing: 1.21.0
- files_trashbin: 1.19.0
- files_versions: 1.22.0
- fileslibreofficeedit: 1.1.0
- firstrunwizard: 2.18.0
- flow_notifications: 1.9.0
- forms: 4.2.4
- fulltextsearch: 29.0.0
- fulltextsearch_elasticsearch: 29.0.1
- groupfolders: 17.0.1
- impersonate: 1.16.0
- integration_giphy: 1.0.10
- integration_google: 2.2.0
- integration_openai: 2.0.1
- integration_youtube: 0.2.1
- logreader: 2.14.0
- lookup_server_connector: 1.17.0
- mail: 3.7.1
- maps: 1.4.0
- memegen: 1.0.8
- memories: 7.3.1
- nextcloud-aio: 0.6.0
- nextcloud_announcements: 1.18.0
- notes: 4.10.0
- notifications: 2.17.0
- notify_push: 0.6.12
- oauth2: 1.17.0
- oidc: 0.9.0
- password_policy: 1.19.0
- photos: 2.5.0
- previewgenerator: 5.5.0
- privacy: 1.13.0
- provisioning_api: 1.19.0
- recognize: 7.0.0
- recommendations: 2.1.0
- related_resources: 1.4.0
- richdocuments: 8.4.3
- serverinfo: 1.19.0
- settings: 1.12.0
- sharebymail: 1.19.0
- sociallogin: 5.6.5
- socialsharing_email: 3.1.0
- spreed: 19.0.3
- stt_helper: 1.1.1
- support: 1.12.0
- survey_client: 1.17.0
- suspicious_login: 7.0.0
- systemtags: 1.19.0
- tables: 0.7.3
- tasks: 0.16.0
- text: 3.10.0
- theming: 2.4.0
- twofactor_backupcodes: 1.18.0
- twofactor_totp: 11.0.0-dev
- twofactor_webauthn: 1.4.0
- user_status: 1.9.0
- viewer: 2.3.0
- weather_status: 1.9.0
- workflow_ocr: 1.29.0
- workflowengine: 2.11.0
- encryption: 2.17.0
- user_ldap: 1.20.0
### Nextcloud configuration
"system": {
"memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\APCu",
"apps_paths": [
"path": "\/var\/www\/html\/apps",
"url": "\/apps",
"writable": false
"path": "\/var\/www\/html\/custom_apps",
"url": "\/custom_apps",
"writable": true
"memcache.distributed": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
"memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
"redis": {
"password": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"port": 6379
"overwritehost": "cloud.maas-opleidingen.nl",
"overwriteprotocol": "https",
"passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"trusted_domains": [
"datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbtype": "pgsql",
"version": "",
"overwrite.cli.url": "https:\/\/cloud.maas-opleidingen.nl\/",
"dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbport": "",
"dbtableprefix": "oc_",
"dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"installed": true,
"instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"loglevel": "2",
"log_type": "file",
"logfile": "\/var\/www\/html\/data\/nextcloud.log",
"log_rotate_size": "10485760",
"log.condition": {
"apps": [
"preview_max_x": 2048,
"preview_max_y": 2048,
"jpeg_quality": 60,
"enabledPreviewProviders": {
"1": "OC\\Preview\\Image",
"2": "OC\\Preview\\MarkDown",
"3": "OC\\Preview\\MP3",
"4": "OC\\Preview\\TXT",
"5": "OC\\Preview\\OpenDocument",
"6": "OC\\Preview\\Movie",
"0": "OC\\Preview\\Imaginary"
"enable_previews": true,
"upgrade.disable-web": true,
"mail_smtpmode": "smtp",
"trashbin_retention_obligation": "auto, 30",
"versions_retention_obligation": "auto, 30",
"activity_expire_days": "30",
"simpleSignUpLink.shown": false,
"share_folder": "\/Shared",
"one-click-instance": true,
"one-click-instance.user-limit": 100,
"one-click-instance.link": "https:\/\/nextcloud.com\/all-in-one\/",
"htaccess.RewriteBase": "\/",
"files_external_allow_create_new_local": false,
"trusted_proxies": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"allow_local_remote_servers": true,
"mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_sendmailmode": "smtp",
"mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_smtpport": "465",
"default_phone_region": "NL",
"maintenance": false,
"preview_imaginary_url": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"memories.exiftool": "\/var\/www\/html\/custom_apps\/memories\/bin-ext\/exiftool-amd64-musl",
"memories.qsv": true,
"memories.vod.ffmpeg": "\/usr\/bin\/ffmpeg",
"memories.vod.ffprobe": "\/usr\/bin\/ffprobe",
"memories.vod.path": "\/var\/www\/html\/custom_apps\/memories\/bin-ext\/go-vod-amd64",
"memories.vod.disable": false,
"memories.vod.vaapi": true,
"memories.vod.nvenc": false,
"memories.vod.nvenc.scale": "npp",
"memories.vod.nvenc.temporal_aq": true,
"updatedirectory": "\/nc-updater",
"updater.release.channel": "stable",
"upgrade.cli-upgrade-link": "https:\/\/github.com\/nextcloud\/all-in-one\/discussions\/2726",
"davstorage.request_timeout": 3600,
"dbpersistent": false,
"mail_smtpauth": 1,
"mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"appsallowlist": false,
"maintenance_window_start": 100,
"preview_imaginary_key": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
"memories.db.triggers.fcu": true,
"auth.bruteforce.protection.enabled": true,
"ratelimit.protection.enabled": true,
"memories.gis_type": 2
### Web server error log
Nothing relevant to see here.
### Log file
_No response_
### Browser log
_No response_
### Additional info
_No response_